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Foshan Xin Quan Li CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Complete CNC Solutions is on the move


Following the significant expansion of its product portfolio, Complete CNC Solutions is relocating to larger premises located close to its current headquarters.

The company, which is perhaps best known as the UK distributor of Tekcel routing systems, now also handles Protek Digital Cutters and Routers in the UK and this, in addition to its growing service department and larger workforce had began to put a strain on the resources available at its present home.
Since the launch of the ProtekUnico TT Digital Cutter a little over a year ago, the number of visitors attending demonstrations at Complete CNC's showroomhas increased, together with the demonstration space required to show the new hardware to its best advantage.
Having initially taken over the neighbouring industrial unit to ease the congestion, the arrival of the Unico CNC production router has triggered a move into entirely new premises.
The new headquarters quadruples the showroom space available and doubles the office accommodation, while also providing extra space for an extended service workshop and warehousing for parts, stock routers and digital cutters.
Once the premises are fully occupied, services installed and the showroom operative, Complete CNC Solutions plans to host series of open days to celebrate its move, when it will be welcoming both current and potential customers.

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