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New Billboard Asks Taco Bell Customers


A new, in-your-face PETA billboard has just gone up in a couple of locations in Nashville, Tennessee next to Taco Bells. The billboard features a chicken's face next to the words “Want to “Live Más?” So Do I. Would It Kill You to Get a Bean Burrito?” playing on the company's famous tagline, in order to promote the fast food chain's vegan food offering.

The billboards will remain in place for two weeks.

“It's easier than ever to find delicious, cruelty-free vegan food, including at fast-food staples like Taco Bell,” said PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “Unlike meaty dishes, vegan meals are free of saturated animal fat and cholesterol.

“Going vegan also spares more than 100 animals every year daily suffering and a terrifying death in today's industrialized meat, egg, and dairy industries.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—and its youth division, peta2, have even prepared a guide for eating vegan at Taco Bell, available here.

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